Sunday, February 01, 2009

When you're talking home, you mean the Old Dominion

Well the big news can be broken...

We are moving. This weekend we signed a contract on a house in Virginia. Since it's new construction, we won't be moving until mid-summer giving us time to sell this place and giving me a fighting chance to finish school. But we are thrilled and if I had my way, I'd start painting tomorrow. (Albeit a little difficult since the foundation hasn't been poured yet.)

For six years, we've lived about 30 minutes from Corey's moms. It was never a huge issue, but as he's gotten older, we've noticed that we're missing more activities and he's getting an abundance of tardy slips when we drop him off late in the mornings. The time has come to be closer.

As much as we'll miss this house after 16 years of being here, there is something to be said for new beginnings. And even more important, there's something to be said for dropping your son off to school on time.

Regardless, it's exciting and now I'll have even more blogging material.