Saturday, October 10, 2009

Type Casting

We are out of town visiting friends and they have two girls that are Corey's age. The kids get along well and play all day long. Yesterday, Corey comes running in the room.

Corey: "Daddy, I need to the Ninetendo DS."
Me: "I think it is on the table in the family room. But you shouldn't be playing your DS when you are all playing together."
Corey: "No, it's okay. We're playing house."
Me: "I don't understand. Why do you need need the DS?"

Corey: "I'm playing the daddy so I need to be on the computer."



Anonymous Steven said...

That's so funny Steve! :-)
Probably because we've had similar things happen too.

10:58 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Chili said...

Gulp. I've got that going on in MY house, too.


12:50 PM  
Anonymous OM said...

My wife is upstairs watching SNL, and I'm online. I'd say they got it right.

12:43 AM  
Anonymous Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

I've always been one of the guys.

5:05 PM  
Anonymous DCUrbanDad said...

On the computer, watching ESPN, drinking a beer and eating chips?

11:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suspect the computer has taken the place of the newspaper our fathers read. However, I somehow seem to lack this free time when my kids are home.

I'd love to know who they were patterning themselves after?

1:39 PM  
Blogger Papa Bradstein said...


4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did you go? Do you have a different blog now? Please come back!

1:49 AM  
Anonymous urinary products for women said...

Great, you have a updated your blog.

7:34 PM  

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